Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Heroes Of A Hero - 2033 Words

To have a set of skills and qualities to become hero, bravery is genuinely one of the biggest traits one must have to be a hero. Heroic tales usually contains violence in the story. In most heroic novels, books, and poems that feature a main character with a hero’s complex, the source of their power is derived from their heroism undermines their ability to reason. In the books examined there is always a hero or heroine that is tasked with self-discovery, destroying evil, seeking vengeance on evil, or is burdened with the clichà © of saving the world. In these examples there typically violence towards another party regardless of the context of the setting. If there’s a hero in the story, there will usually be a violent situation the hero†¦show more content†¦The Iliad is a prime example of this heroic masculinity idea turning a hero into something toxic. In the text examined, the general allegory considered warfare as positive means to an end. It was as presu med that everything would and can be solved with violence and bloodshed, to win the war and conquer another. The story circulates around masculinity, bravery, and heroism; it had the idea that a man must be as manly as possible to fit into society. The notion of fighting constantly with another to gain respect, power fits into the ideals of the societies discussed in the stories of the Iliad and Agamemnon. Those who lack the masculine qualities are considered a coward and dishonorable to society. â€Å"I know only cowards depart from battle / A real warrior stands his ground / whether he is hit or hits another† (433- 435.) One of the main character falls in line to all this, and the character is Achilles, he was a victim of losing many things throughout the story such as, his war prize, Briseis when Agamemnon stole her from him, and the death of his closest friend Patroclus which caused him to initiate in warfare against Hector. Achilles, the main character of the story â€Å"The Iliad†, was a hero that displayed excessive violence and heroic masculinity towards men on men fighting. Eventually Achilles masculinity turned to the point where it becauseShow MoreRelatedThe Heroes Of A Hero1021 Words   |  5 PagesThe Heroes of Fearless A hero can be many different types of people and have many different qualities. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a hero as a person admired for achievements and noble qualities. Tom Hanks said â€Å"A hero is somebody who voluntarily walks into the unknown†. Heroes are strong and courageous, but they can also be quite and work behind the scenes. Eleanor Roosevelt once said â€Å"We do not have to become heroes overnight. 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