Monday, December 30, 2019

Love Is A Confusing Thing - 1836 Words

Love. From that one word, every person had a different idea in their head. Many went straight to the fairytale true love, the idealistic love. Some went more towards their own love, which is never as perfect as the fairytale, but perfect in its own way. Others thought of a non-romantic love, such as that between family and friends. I have learned much about all these types of love -through school and through life- many just this year. Love is a confusing thing, which is why stories create the idea of â€Å"true love†. The idea of having only one person for you is a simplifying idea, a nice idea, and an incredibly unrealistic idea. In real life, meeting one person and just knowing they are the one for you does not happen. Love is messy and wonderful and hurtful and good. We’ve read many books in class this year that teach on this subject. This in itself is nice for us, because we don’t have to go through as many trials to learn the same lessons. We can learn from others’ tribulations to help ourselves. The Crucible showed clearly a misled romantic love. Abigail was so lost in her desire that revenge at being turned away consumed her. The love of the Proctors for each other led almost solely to the end conflict. For me, this helps put my own feelings in check: those that can be spoken and those that shouldn’t. Those that will help and those that will hinder. Being as out of control as Abigail was helps absolutely no one. We also read Of Mice and Men. 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