Tuesday, January 7, 2020

A Research On Risk And Resilience - 973 Words

BACKGROUND: Risk and resilience is a key theme in child development. Children may face many risks such as poverty, abuse, divorce, exposure to disease, environmental disasters, or unstimulating daycare. Older children and teenagers face many of the same risks, plus risks associated with peer pressure and extra stressors. Most of the time, children do not face just one risk, as they often appear in clusters. Children and teenagers, though, are resilient; they are able to withstand their difficult situations and are able to recover from them (Bukatko Daehler, 2012). Artist Mat Kearney uses this idea of risk and resilience by telling a story of a teenage girl dealing with the risks of peer pressure in his song â€Å"Girl America.† The article â€Å"Counteracting Depression and Delinquency in Late Adolescence† ties the two together using the concept of self-efficacy- one’s belief in one’s ability to succeed in a specific situation. The article is about a study on teensâ €™ responses to risks in early adolescence to determine their resilience in their later adolescent years. INTERPRETATION/CONNECTION: A lyric from the song â€Å"Girl America† (Kearney, 2004) reads â€Å"It’s not the circumstances that determine who you’re gonna be/ But how you deal with these pains that come your way.† The study in â€Å"Counteracting Depression and Delinquency in Late Adolescence† looked at how this played out in three hundred and ninety adolescents over a 7 year span. The longitudinal study followed 11-13 year oldsShow MoreRelatedThe Research of Resilience998 Words   |  4 PagesOver decades, the research of resilience has developed from understanding individual’s resilience qualities and protective factors, to the process of resilience and the interventions that promote resilience (Richardson, 2002; Wright et al., 2013). 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